Aerial view of Manhattan skyline at sunset, New York City


230 Park Ave 3rd Floor West
New York, NY 10169
Map and Driving Directions

Phone: 888-369-1119 Ext: 1
Fax: 866-731-5553

To schedule your free consultation, please fill out the form below.

Contact Information:
Matter Information:

If you provide a detailed description of your problem I will try to make suggestions that will help you. I am not agreeing to represent you by responding to your questions. I may offer to represent you, however, if I do I will do so in writing, in the form of a retainer letter. If you do not have a retainer letter signed personally by me, I am not representing you.

Please keep in mind that filling out this form does not relieve you of the responsibility of filing your case on time before an agency or in court.